Clint Mes­sage 001

Look all of those doc­u­ments are still impor­tant because they need to be solid­i­fied in some way shape or form, right? So Whether you like it or not, whether you’re hap­py with it or not Per­fec­tion­ism does­n’t come into it unless you want it to be part of it in your eval­u­a­tion But you don’t need that You just need to put stuff down that is your best guessti­mate of how you want to be per­ceived think of the CAM strat­e­gy lay­er It’s the lay­er that’s the first lay­er exter­nal and the next one of the strat­e­gy is tac­tics That’s the exe­cu­tion lay­er, right? So the plans the deci­sions are made in the Strate­gic lay­er and that is the one that says how do I want to be per­ceived? Right. It’s not not what you actu­al­ly are how you actu­al­ly are obvi­ous­ly that if there’s syn­er­gy and con­gru­ence To how you want to be per­ceived which means that you’re putting a mes­sage across To peo­ple that To your best abil­i­ty will cre­ate a per­cep­tion in their minds of who you are what you are what you do so that When you actu­al­ly talk to the cus­tomer Those things are of rel­e­vance now, you know, the cus­tomer is not going to talk to you about your past It’s not going to talk to you about your future. It’s going to talk to you about the prob­lem you solve For them there and then and how how what you say will lead to the res­o­lu­tion of that ten­sion or con­flict That’s where you are. So what­ev­er doc­u­ments you have so I sug­gest again the you call it the mis­sion state­ment was­n’t the mis­sion state­ment It was just paint­ing a pic­ture tak­ing your resume. We’ll go through the steps again Tak­ing your exist­ing resume, right? Don’t don’t fix it up on LinkedIn Just pull it down go to think it’s called more and you can down­load the PDF down­load the PDF copy that text into a word proces­sor like Google Docs and Then just change it for your­self For as much as you can To por­tray what the real­i­ty the cur­rent real­i­ty of where you are right Inten­tion Towards how you want to be per­ceived So there might be some skills or expo­sure expe­ri­ence lack­ing But that’s not your wor­ry. You just wor­ry. You’re just focus­ing on the what so the what now and the what for them? You’ll say well, what’s in your abil­i­ty right now? And if you if you real­ly dig deep, you’ll see that if you go real­ly deep, it’s maybe some­thing even more pro­found. That’s based on that Super­fi­cial thing you’re try­ing to express so you’ll say I’m a coach a life coach for a cer­tain kind of per­son who’s gone through cer­tain things or has cer­tain ques­tions or Con­flicts in their life and that’s the con­ver­sa­tion To help them per­son­al­ly you will take them through the process So right now down­load your resume put it in a word proces­sor and change it The my ini­tial instruc­tion was change that to how you want to be per­ceived I did­n’t use I did­n’t use those terms change that as if you in the future look­ing back to today How’s that pic­ture dif­fer­ent? Paint how you want to be per­ceived. You say I’m I’m the world’s num­ber one neu­ro sci­ence coach That focus­es on a spe­cif­ic prob­lem For spe­cif­ic peo­ple you can even do that right give your­self a mis­sion. This is not gonna give a pub­lic That’s why you don’t do it on LinkedIn. So Down­load Edit to how you’d like it to be don’t wor­ry about judg­ment. No one’s judg­ing because I’m not even gonna read it I’m going to take that doc­u­ment that you’re done with you hap­py with like man. I’ll be hap­py if this is how it is Then to cre­ate a focal point to the attrac­tor point the attrac­tor which absorbs the super­fi­cial so in chaos the­o­ry and in com­plex­i­ty the­o­ry, you’ll learn about that term attrac­tor, which is the nexus point Omega point where Emer­gence hap­pens that emer­gence that real­iza­tion that rev­e­la­tion Appears in your life the stuff that you could that hap­pens out­side of your plan­ning Plan for the for the best hope for the best plan for the worst. We’re just mak­ing the worst plan, right? That’s all good. And that means that you Down­load edit give it to me. I take that doc­u­ment. I cre­ate a cam state­ment Core val­ue propo­si­tion. So there’s a core state­ment and the rea­son why you need it is because every day as you know Time goes on you got you get new ideas new insights new things hap­pen It takes you off course. It’s not just enter­tain­ment or social media dis­trac­tion it’s actu­al­ly your thought is in all direc­tions and the only rea­son why that will hap­pen is because The ground needs to be estab­lished The ground­ed­ness needs to needs to be estab­lished and I’m get­ting long-wind­ed now, but I’ve got the ener­gy just got back and You know, no time like the present just do it, right? Okay, so let’s go through the instruc­tions again down­load edit to the what what you want­ed to be done what it is in the sense of what you deserve or or What is pos­si­ble not even that not things that are lim­it­ed by your pre­con­ceived notions or ideas So it’s the what is real­ly free of that. It’s exact­ly what? Obvi­ous­ly it needs to be real­is­tic, right? You sketch the what? That resume will look like I want the text. I’ll make a course state­ment for you. And then what did I say a posi­tion­ing? Posi­tion­ing state­ment so what means is then as time goes on and you know You have lots of dis­trac­tions and we’re try­ing to form a ground base Because in dig­i­tal space there is no ground right? It’s the ground is you so if you’re not sta­ble in the sense of know­ing What your ini­tia­tives dig­i­tal­ly are based on then you’re gonna scram­ble You can do it that way. You can teach your­self to paint but you can also Go to an artist who is will­ing to teach you what they know so Get it over to me and maybe I would say get it over to me man. Just freak­ing ham­mer it out man. It’s it’s real­ly it’s it’s a con­cen­trat­ed effort, right? That’s what you need. It’s like some­thing in focus. You’ve got the focus You just need to pro­long the focus over time and that’s the con­cen­tra­tion That’s the stuff that is hard. It’s like sit­ting med­i­cine still for five min­utes Yeah, all right, so ham­mer it out give your­self an hour to edit You can eas­i­ly take away you start off by tak­ing away what clear­ly does­n’t res­onate with you Or you reword it. That’s where you start. Okay, so good luck And then if we can meet tomor­row, then at least I can we can talk about the deliv­er­able, right? This is done. We can togeth­er charge through this on with some arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence help to Auto­mate some of our rea­son­ing and then bring all of our ideas to much faster con­clu­sion where we can maybe agree and then yeah, then that’s where your per­son­al pres­ence starts It does­n’t start with a web­site. It starts with this Once you got this clear, then we have a rea­son to build And we can build it exact­ly like that okay, so Get back to me. I hope this is a insight­ful mes­sage. Thanks for the time chat soon

John Deacon

John is a researcher and practitioner committed to building aligned, authentic digital representations. Drawing from experience in digital design, systems thinking, and strategic development, John brings a unique ability to bridge technical precision with creative vision, solving complex challenges in situational dynamics with aims set at performance outcomes.

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