Clint Message 001
Look all of those documents are still important because they need to be solidified in some way shape or form, right? So Whether you like it or not, whether you’re happy with it or not Perfectionism doesn’t come into it unless you want it to be part of it in your evaluation But you don’t need that You just need to put stuff down that is your best guesstimate of how you want to be perceived think of the CAM strategy layer It’s the layer that’s the first layer external and the next one of the strategy is tactics That’s the execution layer, right? So the plans the decisions are made in the Strategic layer and that is the one that says how do I want to be perceived? Right. It’s not not what you actually are how you actually are obviously that if there’s synergy and congruence To how you want to be perceived which means that you’re putting a message across To people that To your best ability will create a perception in their minds of who you are what you are what you do so that When you actually talk to the customer Those things are of relevance now, you know, the customer is not going to talk to you about your past It’s not going to talk to you about your future. It’s going to talk to you about the problem you solve For them there and then and how how what you say will lead to the resolution of that tension or conflict That’s where you are. So whatever documents you have so I suggest again the you call it the mission statement wasn’t the mission statement It was just painting a picture taking your resume. We’ll go through the steps again Taking your existing resume, right? Don’t don’t fix it up on LinkedIn Just pull it down go to think it’s called more and you can download the PDF download the PDF copy that text into a word processor like Google Docs and Then just change it for yourself For as much as you can To portray what the reality the current reality of where you are right Intention Towards how you want to be perceived So there might be some skills or exposure experience lacking But that’s not your worry. You just worry. You’re just focusing on the what so the what now and the what for them? You’ll say well, what’s in your ability right now? And if you if you really dig deep, you’ll see that if you go really deep, it’s maybe something even more profound. That’s based on that Superficial thing you’re trying to express so you’ll say I’m a coach a life coach for a certain kind of person who’s gone through certain things or has certain questions or Conflicts in their life and that’s the conversation To help them personally you will take them through the process So right now download your resume put it in a word processor and change it The my initial instruction was change that to how you want to be perceived I didn’t use I didn’t use those terms change that as if you in the future looking back to today How’s that picture different? Paint how you want to be perceived. You say I’m I’m the world’s number one neuro science coach That focuses on a specific problem For specific people you can even do that right give yourself a mission. This is not gonna give a public That’s why you don’t do it on LinkedIn. So Download Edit to how you’d like it to be don’t worry about judgment. No one’s judging because I’m not even gonna read it I’m going to take that document that you’re done with you happy with like man. I’ll be happy if this is how it is Then to create a focal point to the attractor point the attractor which absorbs the superficial so in chaos theory and in complexity theory, you’ll learn about that term attractor, which is the nexus point Omega point where Emergence happens that emergence that realization that revelation Appears in your life the stuff that you could that happens outside of your planning Plan for the for the best hope for the best plan for the worst. We’re just making the worst plan, right? That’s all good. And that means that you Download edit give it to me. I take that document. I create a cam statement Core value proposition. So there’s a core statement and the reason why you need it is because every day as you know Time goes on you got you get new ideas new insights new things happen It takes you off course. It’s not just entertainment or social media distraction it’s actually your thought is in all directions and the only reason why that will happen is because The ground needs to be established The groundedness needs to needs to be established and I’m getting long-winded now, but I’ve got the energy just got back and You know, no time like the present just do it, right? Okay, so let’s go through the instructions again download edit to the what what you wanted to be done what it is in the sense of what you deserve or or What is possible not even that not things that are limited by your preconceived notions or ideas So it’s the what is really free of that. It’s exactly what? Obviously it needs to be realistic, right? You sketch the what? That resume will look like I want the text. I’ll make a course statement for you. And then what did I say a positioning? Positioning statement so what means is then as time goes on and you know You have lots of distractions and we’re trying to form a ground base Because in digital space there is no ground right? It’s the ground is you so if you’re not stable in the sense of knowing What your initiatives digitally are based on then you’re gonna scramble You can do it that way. You can teach yourself to paint but you can also Go to an artist who is willing to teach you what they know so Get it over to me and maybe I would say get it over to me man. Just freaking hammer it out man. It’s it’s really it’s it’s a concentrated effort, right? That’s what you need. It’s like something in focus. You’ve got the focus You just need to prolong the focus over time and that’s the concentration That’s the stuff that is hard. It’s like sitting medicine still for five minutes Yeah, all right, so hammer it out give yourself an hour to edit You can easily take away you start off by taking away what clearly doesn’t resonate with you Or you reword it. That’s where you start. Okay, so good luck And then if we can meet tomorrow, then at least I can we can talk about the deliverable, right? This is done. We can together charge through this on with some artificial intelligence help to Automate some of our reasoning and then bring all of our ideas to much faster conclusion where we can maybe agree and then yeah, then that’s where your personal presence starts It doesn’t start with a website. It starts with this Once you got this clear, then we have a reason to build And we can build it exactly like that okay, so Get back to me. I hope this is a insightful message. Thanks for the time chat soon