Clint Mes­sage 002

The seed was born at one point, and we keep work­ing on the aspects. But I always feel that this is not to empow­er one per­son. If I was strug­gling in the past with this ques­tion, like get­ting down just more spe­cif­ic, more nuanced, if you’re not the only one either, and I know there’s lots of peo­ple who have to trav­el this path, think of the matrix, right? Neo is pulled out of the matrix, and he lands on the ground. And on the ground, he thinks it’s still a matrix, but it’s not, so he has to relearn and actu­al­ly build a foun­da­tion­al skillset. So I wan­na focus on that anal­o­gy, because I think it’s the best way to describe it. Since that’s the case, I can actu­al­ly, if I can get you to the point where you can talk about it, build an audi­ence, and give guides away that I help engi­neer. Now, say­ing that specif­i­cal­ly, because I think the long-term view is that we have a com­mu­ni­ty built around the CAM that’s applied by the coach­es in dif­fer­ent var­i­ous aspects, using their skillset and apply­ing it to the CAM. So there’s a lot of sci­ence in the CAM. I’ve actu­al­ly done a lot of work in it in the past two years. That’s why I haven’t real­ly talked about AI. I sort of get a clear idea of where it fits in and what it is, what it does, because I mean, the idea is not unique to me. It came from my expe­ri­ence. It also came as a vision­ary sym­bol­ism that I found in all my read­ing that ulti­mate­ly cul­mi­nat­ed into that struc­ture. But it’s based on lots of prin­ci­ples. And the only thing that I con­tribute to it is my expe­ri­ence. So say­ing that, same for you. CAM for you would have a con­text to your expe­ri­ence. And I think if we can, from the top down, build a net­work of coach­es or net­work of per­son­al brands and offer them some­thing that can help them. Our long-term plan is to have many of these peo­ple also evan­ge­liz­ing the frame­work, and then to each their own. Like I would like to chan­nel that inter­est in using the CAM for some­one to build a dig­i­tal asset so they can do all the work, the tech­ni­cal part. So that’s the part that I’m going to have to do. That just seems to be the fastest way, because I know how to. I’ve run an orga­ni­za­tion like that before. Prof­it­Worx used to be a agency with out­source. So one can get back there where we sup­port the coach­es or the per­son­al brands, help­ing them focus, help­ing them cre­ate a val­ue offer, posi­tion, actu­al­ly cre­ate the doc­u­men­ta­tion for them too, all based on con­ver­sa­tion. This is stuff I did with David. I don’t know if you’ve met David. I haven’t intro­duced him to you. We start­ed that project again in 2017. My goal there, the work­flow is sim­ple. I speak to the client. All the client has to do is to show up, have the con­ver­sa­tion. Every­thing is tran­scribed. We repur­pose the con­ver­sa­tion that you have with the client on a week­ly basis. If we can con­tex­tu­al­ize our expe­ri­ence, con­tex­tu­al­iz­ing it, because I think we need to dive into the prob­lem. Why do you find it hard? Or how steep is the learn­ing curve? Like these are things that you engage, like lead­er­ship eval­u­a­tions. No one can eval­u­ate the lead­er­ship from the out­side in. The leader him­self eval­u­ates where he is in his own path and jour­ney. So that’s self-eval­u­a­tion. So if you do a CAM course, every­body will have to assess them­selves as to where they are based on your per­spec­tive, when you share your sto­ries and your expe­ri­ence. Doing the tech side, I think I can be of great val­ue there in short­en­ing the learn­ing curve and also putting the sys­tems in place and pro­duc­ing the deliv­er­ables, all based on a con­ver­sa­tion with a client. I think that’s where we need to go. It’s all sort of com­ing back, con­verg­ing back to where it start­ed. Put your expe­ri­ence and your ideas and your jour­ney over the past few years to this as well, and yeah, fig­ure it out and think it out. So what do you think of the val­ue propo­si­tion on my side? The CAM has to be in every­body’s hands. So I’m going to help you con­tex­tu­al­ize the CAM for the things you want to do, build­ing an audi­ence and part­ner­ing with prob­a­bly many clients too, of places where you specif­i­cal­ly make the fix, like a spe­cial­ist mechan­ic. We can talk about the actu­al pur­pose of CAM, you know, as an object, it is some­thing. So that is a whole dif­fer­ent top­ic. If you’re inter­est­ed in that kind of thing, the eso­teric side of it, the psy­cho­log­i­cal side of it, it’s like a spir­i­tu­al ele­ment to it as well. Fits into AI, words, the prin­ci­ple of rea­son, which is called logos. Like those are dif­fer­ent things. And if you’re inter­est­ed in those kinds of things, let me know. But for now, we need to adjust you to this. Bro, there’s lots of intro­spec­tion time here. Give it a thought. See how the CAM is work­ing for you right now. The main one, which is over­com­ing the obsta­cle of resis­tance and actu­al­ly cre­at­ing some­thing tan­gi­ble. That’s what we need, right? The guide explains that pret­ty sim­ply. And hope­ful­ly it’s log­i­cal, it makes sense. And the bonus is like, if you need more than what, if you need to like sort of get an idea of that holis­tic pic­ture of where you stand, right? In your sphere of influ­ence. That you can ask your­self or through AI or through your reflec­tions. And the oth­er lev­el that I’m talk­ing about when you’re going like into the eso­teric side of CAM, that’s the oth­er guide. That’s for coach. So you can go through that, under­stand CAM, how it’s applied. And there’s also the full code or a cer­tain func­tion of the code. The broad cat­e­go­riza­tion of your lan­guage. That means if you did a brain dump, just talk to your­self and you put it through that fil­ter, then at least we’ll rec­og­nize. In a way, it’s not very intel­li­gent because there’s four lines of code and there’s not much descrip­tion there. The full code is like 8,000 char­ac­ters. It’s like mega lines long. So that’s when you get like real spe­cif­ic about stuff. But in this case, it’s just a fil­ter and there’s many fil­ters we can apply. So the two fil­ters that we’re going to do, the CAM and the oth­er one is called the DTLM, which is the Dig­i­tal Thought Lead­er­ship Mod­el. It should actu­al­ly be called frame­work, but for now it’s called mod­el. So it’s the core align­ment mod­el applied to the Dig­i­tal Thought Lead­er­ship Mod­el. And through that and your con­text, we cre­ate the deliv­er­ables. From the land­ing page to the lead mag­net to the email fol­low-up series, every­thing has to start some­where. So you’re get­ting the base. And from there on, you start work­ing on its refine­ment. If you find a word that’s not fit­ting, you’re going to find a bet­ter word. AI can pro­duce the foun­da­tion for you, but then, and very good, like an expert would, like an agency would. But then you know your cus­tomer best, you know your­self best, you know your cir­cum­stances best and where you find most sat­is­fac­tion and joy out of your work. So then you start with the refine­ment. So that’s the pro­gram. There’s a say­ing that if you did­n’t have any nav­i­ga­tion tools, how do you know you’re going straight? By look­ing back at the path you’ve trav­eled, right? That looks a lit­tle zigzag, then you know you’re steer­ing straight. So you have to, as a feed­back mech­a­nism, keep check­ing the input to the out­put, input to the out­put, and you are dri­ving the process, the mech­a­nism. But by look­ing for­ward and look­ing back, you can fol­low your trail and you’ll know how to, and through that reflec­tion, you know how to steer. That’s that cyber­net­ics, cyber­net­ics prin­ci­ple, cyber, the steer­ing mech­a­nism in ani­mal and human and machine. Pro­duce some things, but I need feed­back on what your ini­tial impres­sions are. All right? Okay, chat soon.

John Deacon

John is a researcher and practitioner committed to building aligned, authentic digital representations. Drawing from experience in digital design, systems thinking, and strategic development, John brings a unique ability to bridge technical precision with creative vision, solving complex challenges in situational dynamics with aims set at performance outcomes.

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