Bonus: I am going to provide a pre-designed template with an email automation sequence for a specific target marketing on linkedin for personal brands to provide a downloadable lead magnet or newsletter that will be instantly set up by clicking a link, and then invite my leads who accessed the lead magnet to do the instant setup and join a weekly webinar for customization of their template based on the lead magnet. What do you think?

Your plan to pro­vide a pre-designed tem­plate with email automa­tion and then fun­nel leads into a week­ly webi­nar for cus­tomiza­tion is a bril­liant way to cre­ate a seam­less, auto­mat­ed sys­tem while main­tain­ing a per­son­al touch through the webi­na­rs. Here’s why it works and how to opti­mize it:

Why It Works:

  1. Instant Grat­i­fi­ca­tion: By offer­ing a one-click set­up, you’re mak­ing the process incred­i­bly easy and fric­tion­less for your audi­ence. Peo­ple love imme­di­ate results, and this set­up elim­i­nates com­mon bar­ri­ers like tech com­plex­i­ty, ensur­ing high­er con­ver­sion rates.

  2. Automa­tion Meets Per­son­al­iza­tion: The email automa­tion ensures that leads are nur­tured with­out you need­ing to man­u­al­ly fol­low up, but the week­ly webi­nar adds the human ele­ment that can deep­en engage­ment and build trust.

  3. Val­ue Deliv­ery: The tem­plate serves as a tan­gi­ble, use­ful resource they can act on imme­di­ate­ly. It posi­tions you as some­one who doesn’t just offer advice but pro­vides real, action­able tools. The fol­low-up webi­nar allows you to per­son­al­ize the expe­ri­ence, help­ing them get more val­ue from your lead mag­net.

  4. Scal­able Lead Fun­nel: This sys­tem can scale as your audi­ence grows. You’ll be con­tin­u­ous­ly gen­er­at­ing leads through LinkedIn, nur­tur­ing them through automa­tion, and then con­vert­ing them through live inter­ac­tion, all with­out over­whelm­ing your­self.

Recommendations to Optimize:

1. Template Customization Focus:

  • The tem­plate should be direct­ly aligned with the lead mag­net, mak­ing it high­ly rel­e­vant and action­able. For exam­ple, the tem­plate could be a pre-built Page­matix per­son­al brand­ing microsite, an auto­mat­ed con­tent cal­en­dar, or an email sequence relat­ed to per­son­al brand­ing.
  • Dur­ing the webi­nar, offer cus­tomiza­tion advice, like tai­lor­ing the tem­plate to bet­ter reflect their Mis­sion, Vision, and Strat­e­gy (from CAM).

2. Email Automation Sequence:

Here’s a sug­gest­ed flow for your email sequence:

  • Day 1: Wel­come email with the down­load­able lead magnet/template link and a thank-you mes­sage.
  • Day 2: Edu­ca­tion­al con­tent that pro­vides a tip or two on per­son­al brand­ing and how they can tweak their tem­plate for bet­ter results.
  • Day 4: Invite to your week­ly webi­nar for deep­er cus­tomiza­tion.
  • Day 7: Case study or suc­cess sto­ry of some­one who used the tem­plate and how they ben­e­fit­ed.
  • Day 10: Gen­tle reminder about the webi­nar with a strong CTA to join and the val­ue they will get.

This flow keeps them engaged with­out being too aggres­sive, and by Day 4, you’re offer­ing real-time engage­ment through the webi­nar.

3. Webinar Structure:

  • Focus: Dur­ing the webi­nar, demon­strate how to cus­tomize the pre-designed tem­plate to fit their unique per­son­al brand (based on insights from the lead mag­net). High­light exam­ples, show­case how to use Page­matix, and pro­vide live feed­back.
  • Call to Action: At the end of the webi­nar, invite par­tic­i­pants to sign up for your Per­son­al Brand­ing Pack­age for more in-depth sup­port and ongo­ing guid­ance.
  • Fol­low-up: Send a post-webi­nar email thank­ing them for attend­ing, with a record­ing of the webi­nar, and a final offer or dis­count for your pack­age.

4. LinkedIn Targeting:

  • Lever­age LinkedIn’s tar­get­ing tools to reach cor­po­rate pro­fes­sion­als, free­lancers, and entre­pre­neurs who are look­ing to estab­lish or grow their per­son­al brand. Use the platform’s adver­tis­ing tools to pro­mote your lead mag­net and dri­ve traf­fic to the set­up link.
  • Engage with rel­e­vant LinkedIn groups and com­mu­ni­ties, offer­ing the lead mag­net as a valu­able resource and invit­ing them to the webi­nar as an added bonus.

5. Personalization Strategy:

  • When they sign up for the lead mag­net, include a brief sur­vey or ask a cou­ple of ques­tions (e.g., what’s their biggest per­son­al brand­ing chal­lenge?). Use this data to per­son­al­ize the fol­low-up con­tent and the webi­nar expe­ri­ence.
  • Dur­ing the webi­nar, men­tion com­mon chal­lenges par­tic­i­pants men­tioned in the sur­vey to show you under­stand their needs.

Potential Outcomes:

This approach will like­ly result in:

  • High engage­ment due to the instant grat­i­fi­ca­tion of the set­up and the ongo­ing val­ue pro­vid­ed through the email sequence and webi­na­rs.
  • Increased trust and author­i­ty as you offer both auto­mat­ed solu­tions (the tem­plate) and live, inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ences (webi­nar), cater­ing to both effi­cien­cy and per­son­al­iza­tion.
  • Con­ver­sion boost as you guide leads from a free resource (lead mag­net) to a pre­mi­um offer­ing (per­son­al brand­ing pack­age) in a nat­ur­al, non-pushy way.

Next Steps:

  • Cre­ate and test the pre-designed tem­plate to ensure it’s user-friend­ly and pro­vides imme­di­ate val­ue.
  • Design the email automa­tion sequence with com­pelling con­tent, clear CTAs, and edu­ca­tion­al val­ue that aligns with your lead mag­net and the webi­nar.
  • Set up your LinkedIn cam­paign to dri­ve traf­fic and start fun­nel­ing leads into this sys­tem.

This strat­e­gy will allow you to mon­e­tize your exper­tise while scal­ing your busi­ness effi­cient­ly. Sure! Please pro­vide the con­tent or main top­ic of the piece you’d like an SEO-opti­mized title for, and I’ll be hap­py to help!Sure! Please pro­vide the con­tent or main top­ic of the piece, and I’ll help you cre­ate an SEO-opti­mized title.

John Deacon

John is a researcher and practitioner committed to building aligned, authentic digital representations. Drawing from experience in digital design, systems thinking, and strategic development, John brings a unique ability to bridge technical precision with creative vision, solving complex challenges in situational dynamics with aims set at performance outcomes.

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