Author - John Deacon

John is a researcher and practitioner committed to building aligned, authentic digital representations. Drawing from experience in digital design, systems thinking, and strategic development.

The CAM Framework’s Ethical and Adaptive Approach

Dis­cov­er how the CAM Frame­work could set a new stan­dard for AI sys­tems with its unique blend of user align­ment, eth­i­cal coher­ence, and real-time adapt­abil­i­ty, paving the way for trans­for­ma­tive, inter­ac­tive AI solu­tions. What makes...

The Role of Attractors in AI and Machine Learning.

In AI, an attrac­tor refers to a set of states or pat­terns toward which a sys­tem tends to evolve, regard­less of its ini­tial state, often used in the con­text of machine learn­ing and dynam­i­cal sys­tems. Attrac­tors help describe the sta­ble...